Monday, March 9, 2015

Insider Selling: Vera Bradley major aktieninhaber Sells $529593. 20 in Investment (VRA)

Vera Bradley iPhone 5 (NYSE: VRA) major shareholder Michael C. Beam sold 26, 440 shares ture of Vera Bradley stock in a pacte that occurred on Friday, T 27th. The stock was provided by an average price of $20. 03, to buy total value of $529, 593. 25. Following the transaction, the insider at this point , directly owns 630, 362 provides in the company, valued at more or less $12, 626, 150. 86. Often the transaction was disclosed in a medical record with the SEC, which can be accessed because of this link. Large shareholders why own more than 10% of a company's stock are required to disclose their product or service and purchases with the SEC.

Vera Bradley iPhone 5 Case Red Flower

Orilla Bradley (NYSE: VRA) opened found at 19. 06 on Wednesday. Orilla Bradley has a 52 week lowest of $18. 14 and a fifty-two week high of $30. 00. Often the stock's 50-day moving average secure $19. 42 and its 200-day going around average is $20. 94. The business enterprise has a market cap of $768. 3 million and a P/E wirklichkeitssinn of 19. 10.

Vera Bradley case (NYSE: VRA) last announced his or her earnings results on Wednesday, 12 , 10th. The company reported $0. twenty-one earnings per share for the part, beating the analysts' consensus mind of $0. 19 by $0. 02. The company had revenue ture of $125. 20 million for the part, compared to the consensus estimate of $127. 50 million. During the same part last year, the company posted $0. in between earnings per share. Vera Bradley's revenue was down 2 . 9% compared to the same quarter last year. May, analysts predict that Vera Bradley will post $1. 02 income per share for the current demandante year.

A number of research firms obtain recently commented on VRA. Experts at Zacks upgraded shares ture of Vera Bradley from an "underperform" out of ten to a "neutral" rating and set a definite $19. 60 price target inside stock in a research note located on Tuesday. Analysts at Telsey Notice Group lowered their price subjective on shares of Vera Bradley from $24. 00 to $21. 00 and set a "market perform" rating on the stock in a preliminary research note on Tuesday, February twenty fourth. Analysts at Cowen and Home business} initiated coverage on shares ture of Vera Bradley in a research loan on Tuesday, January 6th. These types of people set a "market perform" out of ten on the stock. Finally, analysts found at Sterne Agee downgraded shares ture of Vera Bradley from a "neutral" out of ten to an "underperform" rating in a preliminary research note on Thursday, December eleventh. One equities research analyst makes rated the stock with a resell rating, five have issued a definite hold rating and five obtain assigned a buy rating on your company's stock. Vera Bradley these days has an average rating of "Hold" and an average price target ture of $25. 96.

Vera Bradley, Incorporation (NYSE: VRA) is a designer, source, marketer, and retailer of convenient accessories for women. The Company's schemes include a range of offering of handbags, decor, and travel and leisure items. It revenue revenues by selling products through few segments: Direct and Indirect.

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